This coming Saturday, The Hidden Garden has the pleasure of working with the talented coordinators at Levine Fox (Diane & Alyson) Arielle's Bat mitzvah will be held at the Hollywood Social. The location has one of the coolest vibes as everything there is just ultra chic and only calls for the most modern floral design to dress the room. Our color pallet for the event is what i find most striking, turquoise & red. This is a color combination that we have worked with in the past and have a few events planned for the future. It's seems like an odd pairing but they are so striking together. Both colors have a blue undertone so they end up being very complimentary to one another. 

I can't wait to share the event photos with you once we have theme. In the meantime, enjoy the sample centerpiece photo to get a glimpse at what lies ahead.
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