Thursday, June 17, 2010

Alliums and Eremurus

You must be thinking, "huh?" after reading the title of this post.... today I thought we would talk about two of the funkiest flowers in season right now. For those of you who saw the title and recognized the words, we're going to take a more in depth look at these flowers that spark so much wonder.

Alliums are an interesting flower; they grow just about anywhere and in any climate. You can find alliums in moist soils of Asia, the deserts of Africa, or even by the swamps and waters of Central America, yet they are most predominant in moist soils of the Northern hemisphere. They grow on tunicate bulbs that grow and push out old bulbs each year to replace them. A weird fact about alliums is that most of the time they smell and taste like onions.

Eremurus, also known as foxtail lilies or desert candles, have tall stems with flowers on all sides and basically look like bottlebrushes. They come in a variety of colors, like snow white, yellow, pink, copper, and more, and the colors range from bright shades to pastels. They're native to western and central Asia and are known for growing extremely tall.

Until next time,
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