Sunday, August 3, 2008

Arranging cut orchid blooms

Some of the most long lasting, beautiful and expensive flowers to have in your home are cut orchids. There are a variety of orchid blooms available such as Cymbidiums (most expensive per stem), makaras, dendrobiums and phaleonopsis (which you see most often as a plant in your local grocery store). This variety of flower also serves well as a cut flower in arrangement. Now this bloom might be a little pricier than your average flower but it does tend to last a little longer than say a rose, tulip, hydrangea etc.

When you first purchase your orchids you can keep them in a vase of water on a table (an abundant display of one type of orchid together is always magnificent!). After approximately 1 week your flowers might not be holding up as well so at that time you might try submerging the stem of flowers. Take a taller cylinder type vase. Fill with fresh water and just drop your entire stem into the water The flower will take on a new life under water! Now you have another few days to enjoy the bloom!
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